The Harracott Beecraft Course
Our approach is Bee Centred and Bee Friendly. Youn interacting with the bees under the supervisions of very experienced beekeepers will, by the end of the year, have acquired a highly skilled craft.
  You will be introduced to a sophisticated group of fascinating little creatures that have learnt, over the millennia, to work together for the good of their whole community and thus, in so doing, have provided man, from the time he lived in caves, with the sweetness, light and the means of merriment.
  You will enjoy the journey and we will enjoy teaching you.

  In our study of the 'Bee Colony' over 10 discussion sessions we will learn how the parts of the bee community; the workers, the queen and the drones develop and interact with each other to maintain their community and produce for themselves and us their life-giving treasure - Honey.
We will also consider the wider role of the bee as a pollinator and indicator of the well-being or otherwise of our environment.
At the end of the discussion sessions we will be working in the bee garden practising the skills we have talked about. This part of the course will be open-ended finishing in the autumn when the bee-keeping year comes to a natural close.

Soon after the beginning of the practical sessions, as you become more confident in handling the bees, you will be allocated a colony to work with. Naturally you will be helped, guided and advised. When you feel ready the hive you have been working with will be yours to purchase and take to your own bee garden.

See the course diary here
Together we will study (remember, we the teachers are still learning) the life of a colony of bees from its quiescent state in winter full circle through all its stagesof growth and development during Spring, Summer and Autumn to its return again to the stillness of the winter cluster.
Our Beginners Beekeeping Course
This course will be at Harracott and is on a weekly basis, Sundays 2-4 p.m., with the first half of the course mostly taking place indoors and the later sessions moving progressively more into practical time in the adjoining apiary.